Branding and its significance

Running a small business there is usually not much budget if any at all to think about your branding. Business branding is more important than you realise. While a logo and colours are good and are a great starting point. Your brand is considered your business identity. It is essentially the personality or face of your business when you're not there.

Social media has really played a role in how we see branding. We are flooded and exposed to so much branded content… which is great for your customers as they have a lot of choices… but harder for businesses to be seen.

So how do you find that competitive edge and create strong brand awareness?

Consistency in your design, colours and styling is how you show your brand these days in a digital, video and printed world. There are quite a lot of advantages to hiring a content creator and graphic designer to streamline the look and feel of your business plus then you have clear visual guidelines when creating video content.  It enhances engagement, promotes business strength and offers your customers new and fresh ideas all bundle nicely into branding they know and are comfortable with.

If your branding is not cohesive or consistent it will not stay at the top of your target market's mind or stand out from the already heavily saturated marketplace.

When making a recruitment, promotional, educational, case study and animated video branding compliments the visuals and the storytelling. It can be used in simple and subtle ways or it can be overtly stated.

For example: 

If we look at a recruitment video. The idea is to entice your viewer to want to work for you, so the team members who are being interviewed will have branded shirts or polo’s on or in the background of a shot is your company logo or even as subtle as a branded pen on a table. 

All of these elements make it possible to create that cohesion and inevitably your final branded recruitment video.

But even visual branding needs assistance. Logos, colours and styling can not do it alone; they require a statement or mantra or catchy saying or in some cases a tune that customers will remember and attach to your branding. 

So, if your branding isn’t strong and instantly recognisable it may be time to look at a rebrand or invest in services that can help your business be seen!

If you would like more information or to discuss the subject further please give me a call or email. 
Allison Groot, Creative Director,  Yes Today Media - PH: 0403 899 697