How can not having a social media or a website 
presence impact or hurt your business? 

How video can help!

Coming into the new year it is a really good idea to be thinking about your business and how it
looks to the outside world. If you have little to no online presence this should be at the top of your
list to focus on.

Here are some hard truths….

The world is changing rapidly and if you do not have a social media or website presence
these days you are losing out on a lot of potential clients and business. 

Hootsuite recently put out some facts and figures to help us understand what the current
usage for social media and online viewing is:

  4.62 billion people use social media every day
  The average time spent on social media platforms daily is 2.5hrs (up1.4% from last year)
  94% of Internet use is for social media

These are staggering numbers and they are just getting bigger. 

One of the biggest downfalls of not having a social or online presence is negative feedback. Your
business will suffer bad comments and criticism even if you have the best products or services. The
most common way for people in the digital world to leave feedback is by doing a google review or
leaving a Facebook comment. These comments can be responded to quickly with positive results if
you have an online presence.

If you don’t have social media or a website negative feedback will be discussed publicly through
word-of-mouth. This can be more harmful to your business than anything else.

As social media platforms become part of our everyday lives this should also be the approach we 
take for our businesses. There are some amazing tools and software programs out there that can
help you 
set up your website and social pages plus there are talented people who can help you do
all that if you 
are time-poor. Also, If you are not tech-savvy then hire a contractor or freelancer to do
it all for you.

This is where video can help…

You are the subject matter expert, so start to film yourself talking about your products or services.
Offer advice or tips, and even do some “how to use” videos for people to connect with. They don’t 
need to be salesy, just informative. Film them on your phone or hire a videographer to come into
business and film a bulk amount of videos. These can then be scheduled through
Meta Business 
Suite (Facebook) once or twice a week.

By implementing a social media or an online presence and making video content you will start
to see better engagement with your products and services, higher return on investment (ROI), 
and greater visibility for your business, plus you will gain a direct connection to your customers
which in 
turn will increase your income. This is a win-win for your business.

If you are not sure how to do all this?
Call us or reach out through our website

Posted 01 March 2023
